Friday, July 02, 2004

China Extends Text Message Surveillance
According to this AP report, "Chinese authorities plan to employ new technology to improve surveillance of mobile phone messages amid efforts to intensify the policing of private communications, reports said Friday." China has once again demonstrated the power of a totalitarian government to control the Internet. I wonder if this technology will be used against the unregistered house church movement in China?

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Small Bible groups increase in popularity
News Leader.Com reports on the rise in small worship groups and house churches: "Although they are steadily growing in popularity, home groups are nothing new. In fact, they date all the way back to the New Testament. Dan Lentz, director of, said a great model for small groups can be found in the second chapter of Acts of the Apostles. He created an acronym, F.L.O.W., which stands for fellowship, learning, outreach and worship."